Because of corvid restrictions it was another difficult year for our monitoring of our Pied Flycatcher RAS in the Lune valley, but the good news is that the total occupied boxes increased from 120 last year to 130 this year with much of the increase being in the larger woods. However predation, probably by Stoats or Weasels was severe in two of our larger woods. One with 20 occupied boxes successfuly fledged only two nests the other also wih 20 occupied boxes had only eight nests succesful. By contrast 10 smaller woods had 44 occupied boxes of which 41 successfully produced young.
We caught fewer adult birds this year but those we did showed the usual pattern with more males returning to the same wood than females which regularly moved to other woods in our study area. Nestlings ringed outside our area and found breeding in the Lune valley came from North Wales (2), Staffordshire and Cumbria.
Over the years we have records of 540 birds ringed as adults in our area and caught the next season. Of these only eight, all females, have moved outside our area. This year we had a female ringed as adult in one of our woods being found breeding at Conway in North Wales the longest shift of breeding area we have recorded. Birds ringed as nestlings outside our area but found breeding here this year were from Staffordshire and Conway.
Each year we have to replace old or damaged boxes. This year we replaced around 60 boxes, but ran out of time to do one site. On our first visit there we found a box which had been woodpeckered the previous year with the brood of Blue Tits being taken by a Great Spotted Woodpecker by breaking through the box below the metal plate as the photo shows. We were surprised to find a pair of Pied Flycatchers nesting there and the good news is that they successfully reared a brood despite the two entrances.