However a quick look at the sightings to date produced some interesting findings. In total to date we have recorded 176 sightings of colour ringed birds. This compares with 290 for the same period last year. But there are more young birds this year (45 compared with 17 in 2012). However we have recorded 25 different adults and 28 birds of the year visiting the trays this year, compared with 29 adults and 11 young birds in 2012. Effort have been very similar, so we have recorded more individual birds this year but they are obviously visiting the trays less often. In 2012 one bird visited on 22 days. This year the largest numbers of days by an individual was just 10. I suggested in a recent posting that the mild weather and low water levels may be the reason for the lower use of the trays
Overall though survival this year to date has been good. We ringed 21 nestlings and 16 of these survived to at least 2 months. Of the 45 juveniles ringed, 38 at least survived to early August and 32 of these have been recorded post moult.
Survival over last winter has also been good for of the 17 birds ringed as juveniles in 2012 no fewer that 13 have been recorded this year, a crude survival rate of 78%.